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Version: 0.1.2


Let's check Textgrader Frontend Project Overview in 5 minutes.


Textgrader website is a Next.js project, so it uses Next.js concepts that are avaiable with more details here. In this page we will cover just what is more relevant for Textgrader use case.

Along with Next.js this project also uses:

  1. Node.js (JavaScript Runtime)
  2. React (JavaScript library for building user interfaces)
  3. Next.js (The React Framework for the Web)
  4. Typescript (TypeScript is a strongly typed programming language that builds on JavaScript)

Running the Project Natively

Besides using Docker, it's also possible to run the frontend project natively, for this you will need installed on your machine:

  1. Node.js (Install LTS version)
  2. Yarn

With this installed you just need to run the command bellow in frontend folder:

yarn && yarn dev

File Tree Structure

├──                   | Website README file
├── public | Website public files folder
│ ├── | Website README copy for rendering in about page
│ ├── cefet-logo.jpg | Website institutional logo
│ ├── diagram.png | Project diagram image
│ ├── favicon.ico | Website favicon image
│ ├── next.svg | Next.js image
│ ├── thirteen.svg | Next.js image
│ └── vercel.svg | Next.js image
├── src | Website source directory
│ ├── pages | Next.js routing directory
│ │ ├── _app.tsx | Next.js server side app wrapper file
│ │ ├── _document.tsx | Next.js server side document file
│ │ ├── api | Unused folder
│ │ │ ├── hello.ts | Unused file
│ │ │ └── text_grader.ts | Unused file
│ │ ├── index.tsx | Website home page -> http://localhost:3000/
│ │ ├── redacao.tsx | Website essay page -> http://localhost:3000/redacao
│ │ └── sobre.tsx | Website about page -> http://localhost:3000/sobre
│ └── styles | Website styles folder
│ └── globals.css | Website global style
├── tsconfig.json | Website typescript configuration
└── yarn.lock | Website yarn lock file